In the mysterious and treacherous Exiled Lands, where the boundaries between the ordinary and supernatural realms blur, a legendary class of individuals known as Monster Hunters stands as the sole beacon of hope against the lurking horrors that threaten all who dare to tread these forsaken territories. These elite hunters possess a unique blend of skills, knowledge, and alchemical prowess that make them indispensable protectors of the land's inhabitants.
Origins of the Monster Hunters
The origins of the Monster Hunters can be traced back to a time when the Exiled Lands were still shrouded in darkness, and supernatural creatures ran rampant. As the need for protection became dire, a select group of individuals emerged, bearing the responsibility to safeguard their fellow mortals from the menacing forces that haunted the land. Over generations, these protectors evolved into the distinguished Monster Hunters we know today.
Supernatural Expertise
Monster Hunters are unparalleled in their knowledge of the supernatural creatures that call the Exiled Lands home. They have dedicated their lives to understanding the intricacies of these beings - from their behaviors and habits to their unique abilities and weaknesses. This expertise is not merely academic; it's a matter of survival in their line of duty.
Tracking and Detection
One of the most vital skills possessed by Monster Hunters is their innate ability to detect the presence of supernatural creatures. This uncanny talent allows them to sense the residual energies left behind by a creature's violent rampage. It acts as a guiding compass, leading them through the untamed wilderness and helping them track these elusive creatures to their lairs.
Combat Mastery
Monster Hunters are the undisputed masters of combat when it comes to facing supernatural adversaries. They have undergone relentless training, mastering a diverse range of weaponry and combat techniques specifically tailored to battle creatures with extraordinary abilities. Whether facing a shape-shifting terror or a mind-controlling fiend, Monster Hunters are prepared to confront the unknown head-on.
Alchemical Expertise
Central to the Monster Hunter's arsenal is their exceptional alchemical expertise. These hunters are renowned for their ability to concoct potent elixirs, tinctures, and salves, all designed to counteract the supernatural effects inflicted by the creatures they encounter. They are masters of the art of potion-making, capable of crafting cures for mind tampering, protective brews against fear-inducing attacks, and other ingenious concoctions to safeguard themselves and their allies.
Creation System
Using the Creation system (opening ticket to Smiths/Ritualists), Monster Hunters can create custom substances that provide protection against specific supernatural threats. They submit their creations with Screenshots of their work to Staff, who oversee the approval of these unique creations. These protective substances are invaluable tools, allowing Monster Hunters to prepare in advance for encounters with supernatural entities.
In the Exiled Lands, Monster Hunters are the last bastion of defense against the supernatural forces that lurk in the shadows. Their unwavering dedication, deep knowledge, and exceptional alchemical skills make them the indispensable protectors of mortals, ensuring that the people of the Exiled Lands can live their lives without the constant fear of the unknown horrors that inhabit this enigmatic realm. These hunters embody courage, resilience, and resourcefulness in the face of an ever-present supernatural threat.
The Monster Hunter class is a rare and exclusive opportunity within our server. When designing your character sheet, it's imperative to explicitly express your desire to embrace this unique role. Monster Hunters undergo extensive training over many years to achieve mastery of their skills, a journey that should be evident in your character's backstory. Additionally, the selection of attributes and skills should be made with meticulous care, as they play a pivotal role in your effectiveness as a Monster Hunter. Proficiencies in Perception, Alchemy, and Melee combat are of paramount importance and demand rigorous mastery.
Within our server, Monster Hunters stand as the solitary class possessing comprehensive knowledge regarding all supernatural entities. Their expertise extends to an intimate understanding of these beings' strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities. Yet, a Hunter must remain vigilant, continuously studying these creatures to anticipate their actions and ensuring they carry the necessary tools for their ultimate defeat.
Written by ZephyrWF