In the vast and desolate realm of Cimmeria, a haunting land of forested hills and towering mountains unfolds before one's eyes, stretching endlessly in all directions like an unyielding canvas of dark and foreboding landscapes. As far as the eye can see, rank upon rank of somber hills rise and fall, draped in the shroud of ancient, dusky trees that cast an eerie shadow over the land, instilling fear and unease even in the light of day. But when night descends upon Cimmeria, a terrifying transformation takes place, as the moonlight pierces through the thick canopy, revealing an otherworldly scene that would send chills down the spine of even the most civilized of men, pushing them perilously close to the brink of sanity.
Unrelenting rain clouds seem to hang perpetually over this moody terrain, obscuring the sun's warmth and grace, instead heralding the arrival of stinging rain, slick sleet, and unforgiving freezing snow. The weather, much like the land it torments, is relentless in its gloominess, reinforcing the oppressive atmosphere that hangs heavy in the air.
Within these depressing and forlorn forests reside a multitude of dark-haired, despondent savages. Their origins can be traced back to the ancient Atlanteans, a lineage of strength and tenacity passed down through generations, forging a race of formidable warriors who have learned to thrive amidst the harshness of their surroundings. In this realm, where only the strongest survive, these fierce savages endure, their spirit unyielding in a land that has a penchant for breaking the spirit of weaker souls.
Their existence is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, where life is a constant struggle against the elements and the perils that lie within the shadows. Yet, despite the harshness of their world, there is a mystique surrounding these dark-hearted inhabitants, as they guard their secrets and traditions fiercely, veiling themselves in an aura of enigma and allure that echoes through the ages.
Cimmeria is a place where legends and myths intertwine with reality, a realm of untamed beauty and unfathomable darkness, where the indomitable spirit of its people mirrors the rugged landscapes they call home. It is a land that instills both wonder and trepidation, for within its brooding hills and ancient woods, a potent force resides—a force that echoes the ancient echoes of a past civilization, now swallowed by the relentless passage of time.

The Cimmerians are a tall and powerful people with striking blue or grey eyes beneath their dark manes. Renowned for their ferocity and savagery, they are often considered semi-mythical in far southern lands. As hunters and gatherers, they display a practical nature and have a strong sense of tradition, custom, and honor.
Their demeanor is solemn, and they refrain from boasting about their victories, as it is deemed prideful and impolite, potentially leading to challenges. The Cimmerians eschew extravagance and ostentation, favoring simple clothing made of coarse wool and linen, often dyed with natural colors. Footwear is minimal, and many Cimmerians prefer to go barefoot. They view headwear as a form of disguise, seeing it as a trait of cowards and thieves. Embracing their identity with pride, the Cimmerians have a deep-rooted sense of belonging to their fierce and enigmatic people.

At the heart of Cimmerian society lies the tribe or clan, an entity of utmost significance shaping every aspect of life in their enigmatic land. With the exception of outcasts and those who venture beyond Cimmeria's borders, the majority of Cimmerians owe their unwavering allegiance to their respective clans, embracing them as their highest form of loyalty. Within these clans, a Cimmerian finds a sense of identity and purpose, as membership instills in them a sense of belonging and bestows upon them a traditional array of foes and allies.
Cimmerians hold family and kinship as the most potent bonds in their lives, and these clans extend their reach across various settlements and throughout the vast expanse of the land, connecting them with distant kin-folk. It is not uncommon to find Cimmerians who possess little curiosity about the world beyond their own villages, as their focus is firmly fixed on the austere and somber reality of their homeland. The language they speak, known as Cimmerian by outsiders and Gaeilge by the Cimmerians themselves, is a unique aspect of their identity, not shared with other peoples. It diverges significantly from the tongues spoken by their southern neighbors or the language of the Nordheimer, and its origins can be traced back to the ancient Atlantean strain, adding to the mystery and isolation of Cimmeria.
Characterized by their inherent independence and clannish nature, the Cimmerians stand as stubborn adversaries, firmly rooted in their hills, valleys, and bogs, with a resilience that even the ancient Acheronians failed to subdue. Unyielding against all attempts at unification, many have sought to unite the disparate Cimmerian clans, but their endeavors have proved futile. The idea of a centralized ruler claiming the title of king or queen, even if adorned with grandiose titles, holds little significance to the Cimmerians, for their immediate concerns revolve around their clan and their kin. Any claims to rule are met with disinterest and indifference from their fellow Cimmerians, who prize their own customs and traditions above all else.
Thus, in the heart of Cimmeria beats the pulse of a society bound by loyalty to clan, shaped by the legacy of ancient ancestors, and sheltered from the outside world by a curtain of rugged landscapes and unwavering independence. It is a realm where the echoes of the past resonate through the present, painting a portrait of a tenacious and mysterious people, steadfast in their ways amidst a land of grim and relentless beauty.
In the hearts of the Cimmerians, a fiery passion burns brightly, and their souls are brimming with an unwavering pride for their clans. Minor slights may be endured with stoicism, but insults and assaults directed at their family or clan are regarded with utmost seriousness and are never left unpunished. The thirst for vengeance courses through the veins of every Cimmerian, running as freely as the life-giving blood that sustains them. When insults are hurled and assaults are committed, the Cimmerians believe that such offenses must be repaid, and the price is often exacted in blood.
Within the intricate tapestry of their society, any harm inflicted upon an individual becomes a collective responsibility embraced by the entire family or clan. This unyielding sense of collective duty compels them to avenge any injury inflicted upon one of their own. Thus, a transgression against a single member ignites the fury of the entire kin, unified in their pursuit of justice and retribution.
The desire for vengeance pulses within their beings, an elemental force that fuels their resolve and drives them to act with an unyielding determination. The Cimmerians understand that to let such offenses pass unpunished would not only be a stain upon their honor but a threat to the very fabric of their society. Consequently, they steadfastly uphold the principle that wrongs must be righted, debts must be paid, and those who dare to harm their clan must face the consequences, however dire they may be.
It is this deep-rooted sense of loyalty and the burning fire of their pride that forges the indomitable spirit of the Cimmerians. Their fervent devotion to their clans and their resolute commitment to justice form an inseparable bond, intertwining their lives and destinies into a tapestry of resilience and strength. The Cimmerians stand as guardians of their honor, protectors of their kin, and avengers of wrongdoing, a formidable force to be reckoned with, as they draw upon the depths of their passion and pride in pursuit of what they hold sacred. Through the ebb and flow of time, this primal sense of justice and vengeance endures, etching its mark on the very essence of Cimmerian culture, ensuring that their bonds remain unbroken and their legacy untamed.

In stark contrast to the revelry and raucous feasting of the Vanir and Aesir, the Cimmerians hold to a different set of customs and traditions. Eschewing the loud and boisterous gatherings, they refrain from engaging in what others might consider "friendly" brawls while under the influence of alcohol. Instead, when a Cimmerian is drawn into a fight, it is not merely a display of bravado; it is a deadly encounter with grave consequences. In this solemn land of mist and shadows, when a Cimmerian takes up arms, they do so with the intent to kill, embracing the somber reality of their existence.
The melodies that resonate through the Cimmerian camps and settlements are not filled with mirthful tunes and lively dances. Rather, their songs take the form of haunting dirges, inspired by the perpetual dark moods that seem to engulf their spirits and the bleakness of the grey lands that encompass them. These songs reflect the deep and complex emotions that swirl within the hearts of the Cimmerians, capturing both the weight of their sorrows and the endurance of their indomitable spirit.
In their struggles and adversities, the Cimmerians do not turn their eyes to the gods for salvation, nor do they seek aid from any divine or mortal source. They have forged their identity as a self-reliant people, hardened by the harshness of their environment and the unforgiving nature of their existence. The concept of relying on external assistance, even from the divine realms, is alien to them. Instead, they confront their trials with an unwavering resolve and a determination to face whatever challenges come their way without seeking the intervention of higher powers.
In these distinctive traits, the essence of the Cimmerian spirit is laid bare – stoic, self-sufficient, and undaunted by the shadows that envelope their lives. Theirs is a world of contrasts, where the jubilant celebrations of other cultures stand in stark contrast to the solemnity of their own gatherings. Yet, within this enigmatic realm, there lies a profound strength and resilience, forged in the crucible of their somber songs and fierce battles. The Cimmerians walk a path uniquely their own, shaped by the unforgiving landscape they call home, and defined by their unwavering determination to stand firm and face whatever challenges come their way with their own hands and hearts.

In the mysterious and untamed realm of Cimmeria, the essence of life lies woven within a rugged and unyielding 'rough code of honor.' To the Cimmerians, honor stands as a pillar of their existence, a principle that demands no complexity but instead calls for unwavering simplicity and directness in their actions. Thus, the majority of Cimmerians choose to speak and act plainly, embracing a blunt demeanor that aligns perfectly with their unyielding commitment to honor, integrity, and honesty.
Beyond the boundaries of clans and rivalries, Cimmerian Honor is a unifying force that transcends differences, binding these fierce warriors under a shared set of principles. The fabric of this ancient code is woven with threads of tradition and wisdom, and it can be defined through the following precepts:
Firstly, the Cimmerians know how to gracefully accept hospitality when it is offered, yet their instincts are sharpened to remain cautious and vigilant, ever mindful of the dangers that may lurk beneath friendly gestures.
Imprisonment finds no place in the lives of these free-spirited warriors; they stand defiantly against any form of captivity, cherishing their autonomy and freedom above all else.
Insults are met with fierce resistance, for the Cimmerians hold their pride and the honor of their kith and kin in the highest regard, never shying away from defending their reputations with valor and strength.
Their code dictates that they become defenders of the weak and oppressed, while resolutely confronting those who perpetrate harm, launching their attacks with unyielding courage against those who deserve it.
To those who seek their aid, the Cimmerians lend an ear, but their intuition remains ever watchful, wary of hidden agendas and potential deceptions, especially when sorcerers are involved, as the Cimmerians are cautious in dealing with those who wield arcane powers.
Their foes, if deserving of it, may receive a clean and swift death at the hands of a Cimmerian, for these warriors do not relish in prolonging the suffering of their adversaries, preferring an honorable and decisive resolution.
Remaining true to one's clan is a sacred commitment, and through this allegiance, the Cimmerians uphold the time-honored traditions and customs of their people, preserving their unique identity and heritage.
In their words and promises, a Cimmerian's integrity shines through, and they hold steadfast to their commitments, standing as a testament to the trustworthiness that lies within their souls.
Fear finds no abode within the hearts of these brave warriors, as they confront challenges head-on with unwavering courage, knowing that courage in the face of adversity is a defining characteristic of their character.
In the harsh realities of their world, sometimes survival demands unconventional means, and the Cimmerians understand that even theft may be necessary at times to ensure their well-being and that of their kin.
Their words are their bond, and the Cimmerians choose to speak only the truth, exposing falsehoods and punishing those who dare to lie, as honesty is paramount in upholding their code of honor.

Respecting women and their autonomy is an inherent principle, and the Cimmerians take no woman by force, acknowledging the importance of consent and treating all with respect and dignity.
In matters of sustenance and possessions, the Cimmerians embrace a philosophy of restraint, only taking what is necessary to sustain their lives and rejecting excess, as anything beyond necessity is seen as a form of theft against others.
Such is the tapestry of Cimmerian Honor, intricately woven with courage, integrity, and reverence for their ancestral ways. It is this profound sense of duty to their code that unites the Cimmerians, shaping them into formidable warriors and defining their place within the enigmatic tapestry of Cimmeria. The legacy of their rough code of honor echoes through the ages, an enduring testament to the indomitable spirit of these fierce and timeless people.

Cimmeria, a rugged and untamed land, sustains its inhabitants through hunting and gathering, as the Cimmerians prioritize subsistence living. They raid when necessary but have little interest in international trade, resulting in the absence of trade caravans from civilized lands within their borders. However, they do engage in internal trade, exchanging goods like timber, tin, iron, and copper among themselves. The measure of wealth in Cimmeria lies in cattle, a valuable asset symbolizing prosperity.
Cimmerian youths aspire to be skilled fighters, deeply influenced by their warrior culture. Nevertheless, the society acknowledges that not all are destined for the path of the hunter-warrior; some individuals excel as craftsmen or herders, vital roles in their clans' survival. The Cimmerian culture encourages recognizing one's talents and pursuing excellence in their chosen field. This harmony of skills is seen as crucial for their overall prosperity and resilience.
A fundamental principle in Cimmerian society is their abhorrence of slavery. They neither keep slaves nor participate in selling their people into bondage. Slaves are considered weak, and the resolute Cimmerians reject the notion of submission. This strong defiance dissuades slavers from attempting to exploit Cimmerians. In the face of slavery, they would rather face death while striving for freedom.
Cimmeria's society relies on a variety of professions for survival:
Craftsmen, skillfully creating essential tools and objects for their communities.
Herders, tending to and nurturing cattle, a cornerstone of Cimmerian wealth.
Hunters, venturing into the wilderness to provide food and resources for their clans.
Warriors, embodying the spirit of Cimmeria, protecting their kin and way of life.

Deep within the realm of Cimmeria, a somber and shadowy pantheon of gods reigns, presided over by the enigmatic Crom, who is said to share the same lineage as these divine beings. The intricacies of their beliefs and religious practices are expounded in the tome of Faith and Fervour, revealing a worldview that mirrors the brooding and dangerous nature of the Cimmerians themselves.
Crom, in the eyes of the Cimmerians, stands as a stern and formidable god, mirroring the grim and perilous reality of their existence. However, their relationship with the divine differs significantly from what is observed in other cultures. Unlike those who offer prayers and worship to their deities, the Cimmerians shun such practices, refraining from seeking favor or aid from Crom or any of the gods of his kind.
In the eyes of these gods, the act of beseeching for help is seen as a mark of weakness, something that they despise. In fact, if a Cimmerian were to call upon them for aid, it is believed that the gods might even exacerbate the petitioner's situation, deeming them unworthy of divine intervention.
The Cimmerian people treasure their individuality and self-reliance, for they believe that their gods expect them to navigate life's challenges on their own, without seeking external assistance. Crom, in particular, takes pride in those Cimmerians who refrain from asking for divine aid throughout their lives, seeing it as a testament to their strength and resilience.
Rather than seeking blessings, wealth, or health from the gods, the Cimmerians embrace a philosophy of self-determination and assertiveness. They understand that to seize what they desire from life, they must rely on their own efforts and abilities, rather than relying on the whims of divine intervention.
Within the dusky expanse of Cimmeria, this unique relationship with their pantheon reinforces the indomitable spirit of the Cimmerian people. Embracing their identity as self-reliant individuals, they stand tall and face life's challenges head-on, forging their destinies with unwavering determination and strength. The gods of Cimmeria, stoic and aloof, observe their mortal subjects with a stern gaze, expecting them to tread their path without seeking their divine hand. It is in this delicate balance between man and god that the Cimmerian people find their solace, drawing upon their inner resolve and the darkness that courses through their land to carve out a legacy that echoes through the ages.

The character of the Cimmerians has been forged by the unforgiving and gloomy environment that surrounds them, shaping them into dour and fatalistic individuals. While they hold a certain fear of their gods, they also harness aggression as a means of expression and a tool to accomplish their goals. Life in Cimmeria is an arduous journey, where only the strongest infants survive into childhood and eventually adulthood. Ruthlessness becomes a necessity for survival, leaving little space for sentimentality or overt displays of compassion.
Nevertheless, beneath their tough exterior, Cimmerians are not devoid of emotions. They are passionate people, capable of forming deep attachments and loyalties. However, their pragmatism prevails, recognizing that emotions alone cannot provide sustenance or protect their villages. Each emotion has its place and time, carefully chosen to serve their practical needs.
One distinguishing trait among many Cimmerians is their ability to let go of regret. Once an action is taken, it remains done. Dwelling endlessly on the past serves no purpose, for the past cannot be altered through remorseful thoughts.
The combination of resilience, pragmatism, and the ability to wield aggression with purpose has made the Cimmerians a formidable and enigmatic people. Their passionate spirits are tempered by a keen understanding of the realities of their harsh world, allowing them to navigate through life with an unwavering determination and a pragmatic approach to both emotions and actions. The Cimmerians stand firm in the face of adversity, ready to embrace their destinies with an unyielding resolve, never looking back with regret, but rather looking forward to the future that awaits them.

Naming Conventions
Old Irish or Scottish- Celtic Names
Examples: Dagda, Eoghan, Cian
Written by ZephyrWF